Well, what can we, say today has been fantastic! Another activity filled day with lots of children overcoming some of their fears and facing them head on. The day was split into three sessions and every group had a go at one of the following activities:
1. Open Canoeing
2. Kayaking
3. Bell Boating
All of the paddle type activities needed concentration and mostly a sense of direction! During open canoeing children were in pairs and paddled around the lake and even played 'heads, shoulders, knees and jump!' and there were definiately some wobbles and near misses to falling in. Children were placed in the canoes in pairs and thoroughly enjoyed the activity.
Open Canoeing

Kayaking was the wettest activity to date! this was the dreaded, the most feared of them all. Who fell in? let me see.... umm... I think quite a few, but I do believe everyone really enjoyed being in control and paddling their own Kayak. There were definiately some naturals at this activity, certainly not an easy one, but everyone performed brilliantly and helped each other over come their fears, so well done.

2. Kayaking
3. Bell Boating
All of the paddle type activities needed concentration and mostly a sense of direction! During open canoeing children were in pairs and paddled around the lake and even played 'heads, shoulders, knees and jump!' and there were definiately some wobbles and near misses to falling in. Children were placed in the canoes in pairs and thoroughly enjoyed the activity.

Kayaking was the wettest activity to date! this was the dreaded, the most feared of them all. Who fell in? let me see.... umm... I think quite a few, but I do believe everyone really enjoyed being in control and paddling their own Kayak. There were definiately some naturals at this activity, certainly not an easy one, but everyone performed brilliantly and helped each other over come their fears, so well done.


Come on Sam, you can do it!
Bell Boating was the toughest on the arms and required enormous team effort in order to steer the boat and get anywhere at all. Children and adults worked in teams of approx. 6 and had great fun racing each other up and down the lake.
Overall the day was really enjoyable and all children behaved and listened extremely well.