Saturday, 26 January 2008

Day 5: Team Building, PE and DVD

Well an end of another fun filled day. Children today have been involved in a number of challenging activities where they have had to work together to achieve. All children have behaved really well and enjoyed their last day.

Team Building

The first activity of the morning was team building. Children were split into 3 teams and set the challenge to cross the swamp (the hall) only using a set of ordinary car tyres and each other. Rules were set along the way eg 30 secs silence, magic trainers. The worst rule of all was if you put your foot into the swamp (on the floor) your team had to start all over again. We were also made to sing songs like 'The Wheels on the Bus' and even do silly dances, I am sure this was to make us fall in the swamp. It was such a laugh!

What exactly do we have to do again?

Come on, easy does it!

Just watch the concentration.

During the challenge we discovered that there were numerous skills that we needed in order to complete the task. During our evaluation session this is what we came up with. You needed:

- to work as a team

- to concentrate

- to listen to each other

- to allocate a team leader/jobs

- to encourage each other

- to use balancing skills

- to think carefully

- to communicate clearly

We also spent time discussing how we could improve our performance and complete the task to a higher standard. I do have to say that evry team worked fantastically together, even the teachers joined in successfully.

Thanks again to Neil and Rob for providing this session. Another great success!

Beat the Ball

The second activity was Beat the Ball in the hall with ann and Miss Haywood. Children were split into teams and they had to beat the ball around the circuit. The session was filled with laughs and was very enjoyable.

What a catch!Come on get the ball round quick!

DVD Afternoon

During the afternoon we all enjoyed watching 'Shrek the Third' . We set the classroom up as a homemade cinema and enjoyed eating; crisps, popcorn, pizza and cakes. A well deserved relaxing afternoon. All children thoroughly enjoyed the film.

It is the end of a fantastic, action packed week. All children have behaved brilliantly and I am sure thoroughly enjoyed all the activities. I know that many children overcame some fears this week and they should all be very proud of themselves, well done. This has definiately been a week full of memories to be treasured forever.

A big thanks goes out to all the adults involved in activity week for making it run smoothly and ensuring all children had fun, thank you.